Registration/signing up

Do you want to register your child with Skar? Find the answers to frequently asked questions about registration and signing up here.

You can register your child by completing this form. Registration is without obligation. After registration, you will receive confirmation of your application from Skar. The confirmation explains what you can expect from us.

No, registration is without obligation. You do not need to pay any registration fees.

Toddler care falls under daycare. Under ‘Type of Childcare’, select ‘Daycare’. After this, you can select a branch where we offer toddler care.

If your child has not been born yet, you can leave this field empty. As soon as your child is born, you can provide us with the BSN.

If your child has not been born yet, please enter ‘Baby’ as first name.

Skar only offers childcare on fixed days in the week, as part of a 40-week or 52-week package.


Are you a Skar customer?
At this moment in time, you can only request holiday care on the basis of ‘additional childcare’. This way, we prevent holiday care from leading to additional closures. We can only tell you shortly before the holidays whether we can place your child.

Not yet a Skar customer?
Unfortunately, we are unable to offer you individual holiday care. Due to staff shortages in childcare, we are doing everything we can to continue to offer our services to our existing customers.

Yes, depending on staffing levels, you can purchase additional childcare.

Are you a Skar customer?
You can request this via the parent portal. We will check availability at the branch. You will be kept informed of this via the parent portal.

You are not a Skar customer?
Unfortunately, we are unable to offer you occasional care. Due to staff shortages in childcare, we are doing everything we can to continue to offer our services to our existing customers.

You can find the number for your branch on your invoices, your contract and on the web page of your branch.

You can also look up the registration number on the National Childcare Register website.

If you want to purchase toddler care subsidised by the municipality, you need to submit the following documents to us:

  1. Signed contact
  2. Signed N-WKO statement (this is part of the contract)
  3. Income data

Contract and N-WKO statement
You will have received a contract and an N-WKO statement from us. You can sign both documents and return them to us via your computer or smartphone.

Income data
Send the most recent income data of yourself and (if applicable) your allowance partner to The use of secure e-mail is preferred when doing so. By income data we mean a salary slip, benefit specification or last year’s annual statement.

We use your income data to determine which rate (parental contribution) applies to you. If we do not have your income data, you will pay the rate without compensation from the municipality.

> Read more about our rates at

Is your income or work situation changing?
You are obliged to inform us of this. You can call 026 - 445 71 57 or send an e-mail to

Good to know
You can only purchase toddler care with compensation from the municipality if you are not entitled to childcare allowance.

Are you curious about Skar's childcare? Feel free to come and have a look at the branch of your choice. Complete this form and we will contact you for an appointment as soon as possible.

Skar has branches in Arnhem and the surrounding area. 

> You can easily find the nearest Korein branch here


The registration form has a number of mandatory fields that must be completed. Have you not completed these fields or not correctly? In that case, you can’t proceed. A red area will appear indicating which field still needs to be completed.