Parent participation.

We greatly value parents' input. That's why almost every branch has a local parents' committee. In addition, Skar also has a central parents' committee.


Local parents' committee.
At least two parents per branch are members of the local parents' committee. Members represent all parents at the branch. The local parents' committee mainly focuses on the way things are going at the branch. It meets about six times a year.

You can see whether your branch has a parents' committee on your branch page. Are you interested in becoming a member? The branch manager will be happy to tell you about the possibilities. 

Central parents' committee.
Skar also has a central parents' committee. It consists of:

            • Guus van der Willigen
            • Nienke Kosse

They can be reached at

The central parents' committee meets about eight times a year together with the central parents' committee of Kwink. Four of these meetings are with management.

Quite a few branches have issued the central parents' committee with an authorisation (=mandate). The local parents' committee uses this to give permission to the central parents' committee to provide management with advice, unsolicited or otherwise, on topics such as:

            • General quality policy and pedagogical policy plan
            • Nutritional matters
            • Opening hours
            • Policies relating to children's play and development activities
            • Amendment of the complaints procedure
            • Price changes

Parents' committee regulations.

Any agreements with the parents' committees have been recorded in our (central) parents' committee regulations (only available in Dutch). These regulations can also be found in the information folder at each branch.