Pedagogical policy.
Download the Wij zijn JONG Pedagogical Policy for Skar. It is also available for inspection at the care branch of your child, as are the other protocols.
Your child is our central focus!
Parents feel that we are making a positive contribution to the development of their children. Children are curious. They like to discover and learn, and do so in a playful way.
We find it important that each child can do this at his or her own pace. Based on what he or she enjoys, is interested in or has a zest for. Our pedagogical staff members encourage, value, support and challenge your child. It goes without saying that all of our employees meet the qualifications required by law. We offer activities and play materials for all ages, both for indoor and outdoor use. The child can make his or her own decisions about what he or she would like to do or explore. Our pedagogical staff members work in accordance with the pedagogical policy. This provides a basic standard for our staff members. In addition, every branch has a work plan, in which parents can read what the most important pillars of childcare are and how these are given content to at the branch. On the website, you can find assessments by the Inspectorate for each branch.
Cooperation with parents
Cooperation between parents and pedagogical staff members contributes to the quality of childcare. The childcare we provide is inextricably linked to the ways children are raised at home. Parents are, of course, ultimately responsible for their children and have the most expert knowledge about them. Our pedagogical staff members are knowledgeable regarding the development of children in general and within the group. Every child has a mentor. When you bring your child to the branch and/or pick him or her up again, you can exchange information with the staff members. In Daycare, we also use weekly transfer files. In addition, the mentor keeps a close eye on the development and well-being of the child. If there is a cause for concern or extra attention, we will share this with the parents, of course. In any case, our findings are discussed with the parents by the mentor once a year.
Playful learning
Kinderopvang Skar is a frontrunner in the Netherlands when it comes to legally recognized programs for early childhood education (VVE). These are programs that prepare children for primary school through playful learning, either to bring a child's development up to speed or just to provide him or her with a good stepping stone to Kindergarten.
Some of our branches are specifically equipped for this, literally and figuratively. At these so-called “VVE branches” all staff members are certified in a method called “Kaleidoscope” and the lay-out of the rooms has been especially adapted, for example. The method used for playful learning - “Kaleidoscope” in our region - is determined by the municipality and based on the methods used in primary schools within that municipality, to ensure a proper match.
The Daycare centers use the activities of the VVE method “Uk & Puk”.