If your child is ill or you are going on holiday, for example, and your child cannot attend, please let us know.
Why is it important to cancel?
By cancelling your child's attendance, the branch knows how many children will be there. We will also wonder why your child is not present if they have not been reported as absent. In that case we will also contact you.
This is important not only in the event of illness, but also when you go on holiday. That way we know approximately how many children will be at the branch during holidays. We would like to ask you in case of holidays, to report the absence of your child at least 28 calendar days in advance. This is important because according to the new collective labor agreement we have to share the schedules with our pedagogical professionals in the group at least 21 calendar days in advance. And we can tailor the holiday programme to the children who are present.
If my child cannot attend, can I swap my childcare day?
No, you cannot. We know from past experience that requests for swaps take up a lot of our pedagogical professionals’ time and that parents are often disappointed if it cannot be arranged. But you can always request an extra childcare day through the parent portal. If this is approved by the branch, you will receive a separate invoice for this. If you are entitled to childcare allowance, you can also request this for the extra hours.
Can I get the days reimbursed when my child cannot attend?
We never reimburse cancelled hours. After all, we are still incurring our costs. Your child is always welcome on the contract days. You will always receive childcare allowance for the hours on these contract days (provided you are entitled to it), even if you notify us that your child will be absent.
Will I permanently lose my childcare day if I cancel my child’s session?
That depends on the moment. In the parent portal you can unregister your child. If you want to unregister within 30 days, please get in touch with your branch. They will look at the schedule and check if it’s possible to put your kid back on the list. Always unregister your child if you do not want to make use of your contract day. Cancellation or not, if the group closes, you will receive a reimbursement for that day.