Flexible care.
We no longer offer flexible childcare. The rules below only apply to parents with a current contract for flexible childcare.
See the rules
- The minimum monthly purchase is 4 parts of days for Daycare and 2 parts of days for Out-of-School Care.
- You can inform us of your desired care days via the Parent Portal.
- Care can only be guaranteed if parts of days are communicated before the 1th of the month preceding the month for which you want to purchase childcare.
- Requests received after the 1st of the month can only be honored if the number of children and group composition allow this.
- Extra days or parts of days in addition to the minimum monthly purchase can be applied by sending an email to klantcontact@skar.nl. The allocation is based on availability.
- If you have requested extra days or half days, we will charge you for these, even if they are not used. This has to do with the fact that this place cannot be used for another child.
- You will receive an invoice for the parts of days you applied for one month prior to care. You will receive another invoice afterwards for the other parts of days and any additional parts of days purchased.
- Flexible Out-of-School Care is only possible if this does not involve additional transport costs. This will be coordinated between the Customer Care department and the branch manager of the branch at which your child will be cared for.